Transformation of an energy consumer into an energy producer – is it possible?

Krzysztof Kozielski
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Wastewater and water treatment plants are usually the largest single electric energy consumers in each town and city.Wastewater and water treatment processes are usually responsible for 25-40% of the total electric energy consumption in the city as it is associated with energy-consuming processes and a continuous operation cycle (24h, 365 days a year).The changes introduced in Marselisborg / Aarhus, Denmark consisting in the replacement of conventional blowers with high-speed units brought about a 100% surplus energy production – it was achieved without adding any external organic waste or coal and with no additional investments.Currently, the plant produces a net surplus of both electric and heat energy, supplying it to the district heating system in Denmark’s second largest city, Aarhus.The carbon footprint was reduced by 35%.

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Krzysztof Kozielski

Polska potrzebuję 900 mld euro na transformację energetyki

Przejście Polski na energetykę bezwęglową przy utrzymaniu stabilności sieci kosztowałoby nasz kraj około 900 mld euro.
Krzysztof Kozielski

European Green Deal

The European Green Deal is also an important plan for Katowice and the entire region. It is crucial that it is a just transformation, so that the region is not left behind.
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Krzysztof Kozielski

Szykujcie portfele, prąd z węgla będzie coraz droższy.

Chyba nie ma obecnie nikogo w Polsce kto nie byłby świadomy że w najbliższych latach czekają nas podwyżki prądu.

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