Zero-emission Pszczyna

Krzysztof Kozielski
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Yesterday I attended the congress ‘Think Eco: Clean Water, Clean Energy, Clean Poland’. It is an event during which experts representing different sectors of science and business discussed such issues as the European Green Deal, electromobility, RES, waste management, as well as financing and costs of the necessary transformations in power engineering.

The conference was held on 29 and 30 September in Pszczyna.

During the conference the Mayor of Pszczyna signed an agreement of intent with SBB Energy SA, Veolia Energia Polska SA, and the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice concerning hydrogen technologies and the development of a technological concept of the production, storage, and disposal of hydrogen, which can be used – for example – for the purposes of system heating.

In a nutshell, the signed agreement can transform the commune entirely over the following years and make it a zero-emission region.

Almost the entire project will be financed from the funds reserved by the European Union for such purposes.

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Inne artykuły

magazyny energii
Krzysztof Kozielski

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wiata fotowoltaiczna
Krzysztof Kozielski

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